Improve your health by reducing screen time.
Slim Your Screen Time is an at-home, self-guided program designed to help you improve your health by reducing screen time. Less screen time allows you to increase your physical activity, build social relationships that contribute to resiliency, and improve your mood and mental health. You will be encouraged to play, explore and connect through the program. Participate on your own or with family, friends or as a group.
Make the most of life by living fully — present and in the moment. Don't miss out on the fun and beauty happening around you.
Get started today
This is an at-home, self-directed challenge. That means you will complete the activities independently and on your schedule. Complete 30 or more activities from the list of nearly 100 ideas in the next two months. Complete them when it works best for your schedule, and check completed activities off the provided checklist for a fun way to track your progress.
Decide whether you will complete the Warm and Sunny list or the Cool and Snowy list. Print this checklist, or save it to your desktop to check it off electronically. While you don't have to decide right now which activities you will complete, reviewing the list is a good idea so you can plan for activities that take more coordination. As you complete activities, check them off the list.
Video resources for adults