What to Expect When Scheduling Your Surgery in La Crosse
Generally, surgery can be scheduled at the time of your first office visit, unless further testing is needed. We ask that you bring your personal calendar with you to your appointment so you know your availability. The scheduling process includes coordinating your preferences and needs, and surgeon and operating room availability. Our surgeons perform surgery in the Center for Advanced Medicine and Surgery Building.
Preparing for surgery
The admission nurse will call you the business day prior to your scheduled surgery to inform you of the time you should arrive. You will be asked to arrive one to two hours prior to your scheduled surgery time so we can prepare you for surgery. Should you need to contact the admission nurse, call 608-392-2487 or 1-800-362-5454, ext, 2487.
Before your surgery
Do not eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery. You may take your morning medication with a small sip of water on the day of surgery. If you are diabetic, consult with your health care professional for instructions regarding your diabetic medications. If you are having vascular surgery, continue to take your aspirin, even on the day of surgery. In addition, if you are taking blood-thinning medications, such as coumadin, Plavix, Pletal or NSAIDS, consult with your provider for instructions.
After your surgery
While in the Day Surgery Unit or the inpatient surgical floor, you will receive postoperative instructions from your nurses related to your type of surgery. You will be instructed on wound care, medications, activity or diet restrictions and what to expect in the healing process.
If you notice any signs or symptoms of infection after surgery, you should contact the surgeon's office right away at 608-392-9883. Signs and symptoms of infection include redness on the skin around the incision, warmth on the skin around the incision, fever and/or chills, increased pain or tenderness, and foul-smelling, oozing drainage from the incision. If you do not have a drain, you may shower in 48 hours. If you have sterile bandages in place, please leave them intact. You may drive when you are completely off pain medications.