Surgical Referrals & Tests in La Crosse
Surgery is considered a specialty practice. Therefore, we advise that you check with your insurance company to determine if you need a referral to be seen by a surgeon in La Crosse, Wisconsin. All referrals must come from your primary care provider. If one of our surgeons recommends that you see another health care provider related to a different aspect of your care, it's your responsibility to contact your insurance company to see if you need another referral to the third provider or if the recommended referral provider participates in your insurance plan.
Many companies have strict policies related to tests, referrals and prior authorizations. If any of these items are out of place, it may delay progress with your care.
Your primary care provider should complete any referral form required for you to be seen by one of our surgeons. Our surgeons will complete the referral form for you if they refer you. They also will correspond with your primary care provider about your current plan of care.
Please let us know when you need help with this process.
Referrals for medical tests
Our surgeons may arrange for you to have diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, laboratory tests, ultrasounds and mammograms. If a test is recommended, we advise that you check with your insurance company to determine if prior authorization is needed for the ordered test. If a referral is needed for testing, we can help you get this done.
External referrals
If you are a health care provider outside of Mayo Clinic Health System, we can easily make an appointment for your patient when you call the Surgery Department. Any information you can give the scheduler regarding the need for the appointment with a surgeon will be helpful. We also would greatly appreciate communicating patient information directly with the surgeon. If any lab work or X-rays have been completed, please arrange for results to be sent to us prior to the appointment with the surgeon. This will enable us to give a thorough, effective consultation.