Surgery Appointments in La Crosse
Initial appointments
We make every effort to accommodate your scheduling needs. Most often, clinic appointments with a surgeon can be arranged within a week. When you call, please provide us with any information you have regarding testing that has been completed related to your current state of health, such as ultrasounds and CT scans.
Clinic appointment registration
If you are a new patient, you'll be connected to the registration department when making your appointment with the surgeon. They'll ask you some information and get you preregistered in our system. If you're unable to do this at that time, they will contact you or you may contact them at 608-392-9760, ext. 2-6999.
What to expect at your first appointment
Your first appointment with the surgeon is a consultation. If you're a new patient, the surgeon will do a focused history and physical exam. They also will review any lab tests or X-rays that have already been performed. If surgery is recommended, you and the surgeon will discuss the surgical procedure, how you should prepare and determine a date for the surgery. If needed, the surgeon may order further imaging or laboratory studies prior to scheduling surgery. Please bring your complete list of medications, including dosages, with you. Allow at least 45 minutes for this appointment. If a minor procedure is necessary, the surgeon may be able to complete it during your first visit, if schedule permits.
Follow-up appointments
First follow-up
Most surgeries require a follow-up appointment with the surgeon in the clinic within one to two weeks of discharge from the hospital. Such appointments are included in your cost of surgery, and no additional charges will be billed to you. Whenever possible, your postoperative appointment will be made for you when your surgery is scheduled. If not, it will be scheduled upon your discharge from the hospital. If you are discharged after hours, please call 608-392-9883 as soon as possible to make this follow-up appointment.
Biopsies and test results
Whenever possible, we try to schedule patients for tests and have follow-up with the surgeon on the same day. We make every effort to have pathology results available to review with you at the time you are scheduled for any follow-up appointments. We also may ask you to call for your pathology results two to three days following your procedure. Your results can be viewed in your patient portal account, and we also strive to contact you as soon as we receive reports to reduce anxiety that can be associated with waiting for results.