Insurance & Billing
Payment options
- Online using Quick Pay or through your patient portal account.
- By mail using one of the payment options on your monthly statement.
- In person at a lobby registration desk at one of our locations.
- By phone by calling Patient Account Services at 1-844-217-9591.
Payments in New Prague
Your copayment and anticipated out-of-pocket expenses are collected at your appointment check-in. We require preservice deposits for a variety of situations, including elective cosmetic surgery; when the insurance plan is a noncontracted plan, such as out-of-network or reference-based payer; requires a referral; is a health ministry reimbursement plan; or if the service is denied. Most deposit requirements are based on estimates generated from the provider's order and scheduled visits. Refunds will be provided if the preservice deposit is greater than actual charges, and additional preservice deposits will be required for additional services.
Representatives at on-site Financial Counseling offices, or via telephone at 507-284-2421 or 1-833-479-5483, can prepare estimates and educate you on your insurance coverage and the preservice deposit requirements at Mayo Clinic Health System.
Learn about additional payment information by choosing one of these options:
Make a payment
For your convenience, we offer a variety of payment options. If you are receiving care at other Mayo Clinic Health System locations, review our list of locations and accepted payment methods (PDF).
Payment options include:
- Online using Quick Pay or through your patient portal account.
- By mail using one of the payment options on your monthly statement.
- In person at a lobby registration desk at one of our locations.
- By phone by calling Patient Account Services at 1-844-217-9591.
We accept Discover, MasterCard, American Express and Visa credit or debit cards, Apple Pay, ACH bank account, health savings account, cash, cashier's check, money order and wire transfers.
You will receive a statement on your account when there is a self-pay balance due and every 25 days thereafter. You won't receive a statement when your account balance is zero. If you are unable to pay your balance in full, call the number on your statement to discuss minimum payment requirements to keep your account in good standing. Extended payment plans are available based on your income and financial need. If you have questions about your statement, call Patient Account Services at 1-844-217-9591.
Assistance paying your bill
We realize most medical expenses are unexpected, and we are committed to providing financial counseling to those who express concern in meeting payment expectations. It is important to let us know as soon as possible if you are having difficulty paying your bill. We can help determine if you qualify for programs, such as Medical Assistance, disability, Crime Victims' Compensation and other local grants or charities.
If you do not quality for other programs and are unable to pay for medical treatment, we offer financial assistance. Call Patient Account Services at 1-844-217-9591, visit the Financial Assistance website or read our Financial Assistance Policy (PDF) | Política de asistencia económica (PDF) for information.
To help us evaluate your eligibility for charity care, apply online through your patient portal account. You also can complete a Financial Assistance Application | Solicitud de asistencia económica (PDF) and return with all required information to:
Mayo Clinic
RO WE 01 800K-R
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905-0001
Note that completing an application may not absolve you of your financial responsibility. Until your application has been reviewed and approved, you are responsible for your medical costs. Patients eligible for financial assistance will not be charged more than amounts generally billed to those who have insurance coverage for emergency or other medically necessary care. Eligible patients with insurance coverage will not be personally responsible to pay more than amounts generally billed after all payments by the health insurer have been applied. Learn about the basis for calculating amounts charged (PDF) | Base para calcular el monto cobrado a los pacientes (PDF).
Review our policies for detailed information:- Billing and Collections Policy (PDF) | Política de facturación y cobro (PDF)
- Provider List (PDF) | Lista de proveedores de atención médica (PDF)
- Financial Assistance Policy (PDF) | Política de asistencia económica (PDF)
- Financial Assistance Policy: Plain Language Summary (PDF) | Política de asistencia económica: resumen en lenguaje sencillo (PDF)