Anesthesiology Services in La Crosse
If you are scheduled for a procedure or surgery that may be uncomfortable or even painful, your physician may suggest that you receive an anesthetic to make you more comfortable. If this is the case, a member of the anesthesia department will visit with you prior to your procedure to determine the safest and most optimal anesthetic for you.
Our Anesthesia Department is comprised of anesthesiologists (physicians) and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs). Anesthesiologists are board-certified physicians with specialized training in anesthesiology. CRNAs are advanced practice nurses with specialized graduate-level education in anesthesiology. Our anesthesiologists and CRNAs work as a team to provide the best possible care in the safest possible manner. They specialize in anesthetic administration, pain relief, and the care of patients before, during and after surgery. They will stay with you throughout your procedure and closely monitor your pain, anxiety and vital organ function.
Read FAQ about anesthesia.
Mayo Clinic Health System also operates Wisconsin's only School of Nurse Anesthesia.