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Checklist for Surgery in Menomonie
If you're going to have surgery in Menomonie, taking these simple steps will help ensure a safe surgery and quick recovery:
- If you smoke, quit. Or at least cut down before surgery. People who don’t smoke heal faster than people who do. Smoking is not permitted in the hospital.
- Ask your doctor about taking your usual medications for diabetes, blood pressure, heart or breathing problems, or blood thinning. The dosages may need to be adjusted for surgery.
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery, unless instructed otherwise. If you do, your surgery may be canceled.
- Call your doctor if you get a fever, cold or rash. Your surgery may need to be rescheduled.
- Prepare or update your advance directive.
- Plan to have someone drive you to and from the hospital.
- Plan for extra help. You should arrange for a friend or family member to stay home with you the day of your procedure.
Day of your surgery:
- Bathe or shower the night before or the morning of your surgery. Remove all makeup and nail polish.
- Do not eat or drink anything. Adults may brush and rinse their teeth, but do not swallow.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
- Take your medication as directed for your surgery.
- Do not wear any jewelry.
- Leave credit cards or large amounts of money at home.
- Leave pets at home as they are not permitted in the hospital.
Bring with you:
- List of medications you are taking, including dosages and times. Leave your pills at home.
- For overnight stays, bring personal hygiene items such as razor, robe, nonskid slippers and reading material.
- Walker, crutches or any personal assistive devices, if needed.
- Storage case with your name on it for glasses, contact lenses, dentures or hearing aids.
- Insurance card/forms.
- A copy of your advance directive.
- A parent or legal guardian if you are under 18 years old.
- Someone to drive you home. You must have a responsible, licensed adult (18 or older) who can drive you home. You will not be allowed to walk home or use public transportation (bus or taxi).
Not all treatments, tests and services are available at all Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Check with your preferred location in advance.