Mayo Clinic Health System
About Mayo Clinic Health System
Diverse and Inclusive Care
Our commitment to diversity is woven into the fabric of our organization. We embrace these values as we serve our patients, staff, students and communities.
Patients helping patients
Clinical research changes people's lives every day. Yet many studies end early because of a lack of volunteers. Researchers need healthy people and those with all types of conditions who come from diverse racial backgrounds. Discover how you can be a part of amazing discoveries that improve the lives of others now and for future generations.
Our commitment to you
Diversity and inclusion are integral to our mission. We are committed to providing culturally relevant care to meet the diverse needs of our patients.
See how we support this mission.
Diversity and staff excellence
We recognize that variety in perspective and background creates a workplace that encourages diversity, equity and inclusion. Embracing differences is what enables staff to contribute to their full potential and provide the best care to patient.