Health Topics

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Blood Clots

Blood clots can occur under many circumstances and in many locations. Blood clots that form in response to an injury or a cut are beneficial, stopping potentially dangerous bleeding. However, a number of conditions can cause you to develop blood clots in critical locations, such as your lungs and brain, and they require medical attention.

Hometown Health Blog

Complex brain surgery gives woman more time with family

Julie Berg's life revolves around family, friends and faith. When her health was tested by an aggressive brain tumor and COVID-19 diagnosis, she leaned on these things for support and her healthcare team for expert surgical care.

June 21, 2021

Is there a simple treatment for varicose veins?

Varicose veins are more than just a cosmetic issue. Learn about minimally invasive treatment options that can ease pain and discomfort while improving the look of your legs.

Tim Berkseth, M.D. By Timothy Berkseth June 15, 2018

Doctor's intuition leads to lifesaving care

You might think if you're fairly young and in good physical condition that you won't have major health problems. But you never know when a surprise event will change your life.

January 20, 2016