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Back to School

Hometown Health Blog

Back-to-school essentials: Parent's guide for a healthy start to the school year

Is your child ready for the new school year? Before packing your child's backpack with new school supplies, prepare them for a successful school year with these back-to-school basics.

August 7, 2024

Schedule your child's back-to-school physical

Most children need regular visits with their healthcare team from ages 3 to 21. Learn why it's a good idea to schedule a back-to-school physical now to ensure your child's physical and mental health.

Sarah Scherger MD By Sarah Scherger August 28, 2023

Back to school: Building routines, overcoming anxiety in kids

Summertime can mean fun adventures and late nights for kids. When it's time to go back to school, early mornings and structured routines can be a difficult adjustment unless you prepare in advance.

August 15, 2023

Back to school: Tips to help students adjust

Returning to school can be exciting for some students but cause worry or anxiety for others. Get tips for helping your student adjust to new routines, friends and school expectations.

Jessie Wolf LICSW By Jessie Wolf July 26, 2023

Tips for preventing 'summer slide'

Over summer break, kids can lose new skills learned during the school year. As a parent or caregiver, try these fun, creative tips to help kids retain learning.

Maegen Storm CNP By Maegen Storm July 12, 2023

Helping your children prepare for a COVID-19 test

The COVID-19 pandemic has been stressful for families — especially if your child is upset about having a COVID-19 test. The good news is that there are things you can do to help your child prepare.

Jennifer Brumm MD By Jennifer Brumm August 19, 2020

Clean up your hand-washing skills

Help your kids clean up their hand-washing skills before school starts. Here are some tips and a coloring sheet to get them motivated.

August 10, 2020

Play! It's good for your family's health

With summer in full swing and seemingly unlimited opportunities for kids to play, it’s a good time to remember that play isn’t just fun — it’s the foundation for healthy growth.

Hilary Kent, DPT By Hilary Kent June 17, 2020

4 tips for temper tantrums

We’ve all been there. Your toddler is having a meltdown in the middle of the grocery store aisle. What do you do now? These 4 tips may offer some techniques you haven’t tried yet.

Sara Herrmann, M.D. By Sara Herrmann June 15, 2020

8 tips to develop children's curiosity

Curious children are more likely to learn and retain information, and stay involved and do better in school. Get 8 tips to nurture and develop children's curiosity, and have fun exploring with your family.

Melanie Busch NP By Melanie Busch May 15, 2020

10 ways to manage COVID-19 symptoms at home

With stay-at-home orders, now is the time to focus on minimizing exposures and spread of COVID-19. One way to accomplish this is by managing any new viral symptoms at home. What does that mean?

May 13, 2020

COVID-19 and spiritual life: Controlling anxiousness in your family

Has the stress level risen in your home? Here are 3 spiritual health tips you can try to lower anxiety levels in your family.

April 28, 2020