You can manage your diabetes effectively with education and support from our diabetes educators and providers in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Registered dietitians and nurses encourage self-management of your diabetes so you can achieve behavioral and treatment goals to optimize your health. You benefit from our extensive knowledge and experience in prediabetes, prevention and diabetes management.
What is diabetes self-management care planning?
Diabetes self-management care planning is a way for you to be more involved in decisions about your health. Treatment decisions are made with you based on goals that are important to you, as you are the key player in control of your diabetes.
The diabetes self-management education program will teach you about:
Nutrition for good health and blood glucose control
Exercise and activity
Blood glucose monitoring
Diabetes medications
Getting the best blood glucose control with your treatment plan
Signs that may indicate you need a change in your treatment plan
Family involvement and social support
Prevention, detection and treatment of complications
Strategies to change behavior
This program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association.
What can you do to make the self-management program work best for you?
Ask questions.
Healthcare and treatment can be confusing. We want you to be successful. By answering your questions, your care provider learns more about you and can consider treatment alternatives.
Don't assume that your care provider has all the answers.
You are the most knowledgeable part of the team.
Talk about what is and isn't working in your treatment plan.
You know most about what may work best for you related to your treatment plan. You know when a treatment is not working or creating problems.
Keep follow-up appointments.
Follow-up appointments allow you and your care provider to review the plan and make adjustments. If you need to be seen sooner, call for a new appointment.