Obstetrics & Gynecology (OB-GYN)
Provider Choices in Prairie du Chien
At Mayo Clinic Health System, an entire team of expert and specialized staff work together to serve you. Brief videos are available to help you select a health care provider whose approach to care aligns with yours. Provider types vary by location.
Learn about the health care team:
Family medicine providers
Family medicine physicians and advanced care providers are trained to care for people of all ages. They provide preconception counseling and prenatal care. Typically, the family medicine physician who cares for you in clinic will deliver your newborn. They care for the medical needs of infants, children and your entire family.
Prenatal care is offered by Family Medicine physicians at many of Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Family physicians transfer care to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology or Family Health Clinic at about 36 weeks of pregnancy. The OB-GYN Delivery Team provides delivery care.
Physician assistants
Physician assistants are advanced care providers who specialize in pregnancy care; disorders of the reproductive system; breast health; and preventive medicine, including sexual function and contraception.